Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yesterday was a good day. I went to the doctor and got stabbed a few times, blood drawn and a H1N1. The visit was short and sweet. Every doctor I have seen lately asks if I am depressed. What do doctor's do, get together and say, "This month we are going to ask people if they are depressed, feel down, etc. etc. etc"? I don't remember what it was last time but I do remember the doctors that I saw all asked the same question then also. I swear, they do get together or they go to a forum and decide what to ask their patients.

After the doctor's appointment I walked next door to Joann Fabrics. I naturally left my list at home so couldn't remember what I needed. I could only think of one thing and I did pick that up. My list was sitting by my computer. I guess there is always next time to get the rest of the stuff.

After Joann Fabrics I met Virginia for lunch. I really enjoyed the company. We talked and talked and talked about all kinds of things and childhood memories of things that were going on when we grew up. I bet the waitor was glad when we left.

After I left Virginia I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items and naturally bird seed. I must feed my pets outside. I swear they are telling all their friends that I feed them as I always seem to have to fill the feeder. It is worth it as I love watching the birds and seeing how many different varieties I get here.

When I got home I took my groceries and put them on the stairs. With my bad breathing problems it is difficult to get the groceries up the stairs so I put them up a couple of stairs and then I go up a couple of stairs catch my breath and do it all over again. About half way up the stairs I usually throw any bag that doesn't have breakables in it up to the top. Yesterday I did that, I threw up my purse, my bag from Joanne's and then my left -over lunch except when my lunch landed, fried rice went flying. The bag had opened and so did the box that the food was in. When I got to the top I looked at it and laughed at the stupid thing that I had done and then sat down to catch my breath and then went to clean it up. Lesson learned: Don't throw the food up the stairs unless the bag is tied tight and put in another bag. LOL

Now for a memory of growing up. As I said previously, I lived in Hinsdale. I had two favorite girlfriends, Marian Paladino and Noreen Brown. Noreen's Mom and Dad were from Ireland and although I didn't understand what adoption was, Noreen was adopted. We had a great time at her house. Her mom always had boxes of old curtains and old rags in the basement and we would play dress-up. We would wrap those curtains around us and tie them with rags and thought that we were beautiful. In the summer we would take out an old wooden chair (there was no plastic in those days) and that would be our diving board and we would take a large galvanized tub and fill it with water (our swimming pool). What fun we would have jumping off of the chair into the water.

Noreen also had a wind up "Victrola" (brand name record player). We would wind it up and play "Irish Jig or Irish song records on it and dance.

Once I remember going to her cousins farm in Naperville. Naperville was much different in those days. It was farm land everywhere. We got on a donkey to ride out in the pasture and then her cousin came along with a switch and started making the donkey run with us on his back and where did he run to? right towards the bull who was starting to paw the ground. Noreen's Uncle came running to get us back where we belonged. Her cousin ran because he knew he was in trouble. Noreen also taught me how to ride a two wheeled bike. She had a brand new bike and taught me how to ride it. I was probably about 5 years old then.

Marian was from a very Italian family. Her father was a tailor and one year for Christmas he made me a beautiful light blue and grey wool kilt shirt with a big blue safety pin holding it closed. It was a wrap around kilt. How I loved that skirt. Mr. Paladino always smoked a big cigar and Mrs. Paladino always seemed to have on a yellow and black large print dress. I remember making and stuffing Italian sausage over there and having homemade pizza. The house always smelled of tomato sauce and garlic. When I moved to Florida I was so sad to leave my best friends. There were other girls in the neighborhood but Marian and Noreen were my bestest friends.

Hinsdale was a wonderful town to grow up in in those days. We could walk anywhere. I remember walking to downtown Hinsdale by myself at 6 years old. No one would bother you in those days. Parents didn't have to worry about their kids. I would walk to the movies on Saturday or go to town for an ice cream cone. Brother John worked for Van's Drug store and was a "Soda Jerk", that was what they were called with you made milk shakes, sundae's etc. I could go in there and buy an ice cream cone and visit my brother. A few years later Chuck was also a Soda Jerk but down at Martels.

This is a wonderful trip down memory lane. More memories to come.

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